شقة فاخرة فضية في وسط سبليت مع جاكوزي وساونا ومواقف للسيارات

(40 reviews)

كرواتيا, دالماتيا, سبليت إِقلِيم, سبليت

شخص 6: €140 - €700 / ليلة
4 + 2 الضيوف
غرفة 2
سرير إضافي واحد 1
ن حمام 2
واي فاي
حيوانات أليفة
مرآب / كراج
1000 m المسافة إلى البحر
700 m المسافة من وسط المدينة
80 m2
120 m2

سبليت هي بلا شك واحدة من أجمل وأكثر المدن حيوية في كرواتيا، التي تجذب زوارًا من جميع أنحاء العالم بفضل سياقها التاريخي والثقافي الغني. يختبئ قلب المدينة قصر ديوكليتيان الرائع، المدرج ضمن قائمة التراث العالمي لليونسكو، وهو عمل فني من القرن الرابع، الذي بالإضافة إلى أهميته التاريخية، يقدم أيضًا متاجر متنوعة ومطاعم تحظى بتوصيات ميشلان مثل مطعم ماكارون، زرنو سولي، كادينا، زوي، مايسترو، بوكيريا، مازجون، كينوتيكا وآدرياتيك، حيث يمكنك الاستمتاع بثراء المأكولات اللذيذة.

بالنسبة لمحبي الشواطئ، تقدم سبليت خيارات متنوعة - من الشاطئ الرملي الشهير باجفيتشه إلى الشاطئ الحصوي أوبوجينا سفيتلوستي، بالإضافة إلى الشواطئ ذات الغابات الصنوبرية والمرافق الرياضية على تلة مارجان. إذا كنت ترغب في أن تكون جزءًا من الساحة المحلية، فإن ملتقى جادران على البحر هو المكان الذي يلتقي فيه سكان سبليت والزوار.

لعشاق الأنشطة البحرية، هناك فرصة للاستمتاع بالإبحار والغوص أو ركوب الكنو. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، هناك جولات بحرية خاصة جذابة تكشف عن جمال أشهر جزر دالماتيا مثل براتش وهفار وشولتا وكركنجاسي وفيس، بالإضافة إلى اللوكن والكهوف البحرية الخفية والمعروفة عالميًا.

بالنسبة لأولئك الذين لديهم روح مغامرة، يتم تقديم تجربة لا تُنسى من خلال زيارة الحديقة الوطنية كركا والبحيرات بليتفيتش، والأنشطة مثل الانزلاق على الحبال، والتجديف في نهر سيتينا، وسفاري الرباعية أو تسلق الصخور. سيبليت ومحيطها سيثيران إعجابك بتنوعها وتنوع خيارات الاستكشاف والترفيه النهاري والليلي.

مرحبًا بكم في شقة سيلفري سبليت الفاخرة الجديدة تمامًا ، الخيار المثالي لقضاء عطلتكم والاستمتاع. يقع في قلب أكبر وأجمل مدينة دالماتيا، سبليت، تقدم شقتنا أعلى مستوى من الراحة ووسائل الراحة الفاخرة التي ستجعل إقامتكم لا تُنسى.

ستُدهشك شقتنا الجديدة تمامًا بتصميمها الحديث وثراء مرافقها. تقدم الشرفة الخارجية الكبيرة مع منطقة جلوس مريحة ومظلة مكانًا مثاليًا للاسترخاء والاستمتاع بالظلال في الهواء الطلق خلال أيام الصيف الحارة. استمتع بسحر الجاكوزي مع الإضاءة الجوية ومكبرات الصوت للموسيقى، التي تصل درجة الحرارة فيها إلى 34 درجة مئوية، أو بكراسي الاستلقاء للتشمس، أو ارتاح في الساونا لشخصين. سيكون سيارتك آمنة في المرآب الخاص، مما يوفر لك الهدوء أثناء إقامتكم.

سواء كنتم تبقون لبضعة أيام فقط أو كنتم تنوون البقاء لفترة أطول، فقضوا الوقت في شقتنا الواسعة التي تمتد على مساحة 80 مترًا مربعًا مجهزة بالكامل ومكيفة بالكامل ومجهزة بالتدفئة تحت الأرض. تقدم المطبخ الكامل المجهز مع طاولة مرتفعة لتناول الطعام لستة أشخاص كل ما تحتاجونه لطهي وتناول الطعام براحة. في المطبخ، ستجدون جميع الأجهزة الحديثة والأدوات والأواني، بما في ذلك الأجهزة المنزلية مثل: موقد بأربع مواقد كهربائية بالتحويل، مطبخ، غسالة صحون، غسالة ومجفف ملابس (2 في 1)، فرن، ميكروويف، ثلاجة بفريزر، غلاية كهربائية، خلاط يدوي، محمصة، نوتريبوليت، مفرمة للخضروات، مضرب الكيك، مقلاة لصنع الوافل، عصارة كهربائية للحمضيات، ماكينة قهوة، جهاز صنع الثلج ومجموعة غنية من التوابل والمواد الغذائية الأساسية مثل الملح، والفلفل، والتوابل المتوسطية، والزيت، والخل، والدقيق، والمعكرونة.

كما تتوفر لكم باقة ترحيب في المطبخ تتضمن ماء عذب بحجم 1.5 لتر، ماء معدني بحجم 1.5 لتر، عصير بحجم 1 لتر، بيرة كرواتية، حزمة قهوة، أنواع متنوعة من الشاي والعسل.

تحتوي غرفة المعيشة على تكييف هواء وتدفئة تحت الأرض، وتلفزيون ذكي بنظام القمر الصناعي، ومكبرات صوت، وأريكة مريحة تتحول إلى سرير لشخصين (170 * 200 سم) للراحة الإضافية. توفر غرفتي النوم المكيفتان والمزودتان بتلفزيون ذكي وأسرّة عالية (160 * 200 سم) مع فرشات طبية نومًا هادئًا. تحتوي الغرفة الأولى على حمام داخلي مع دش بينما تحتوي الغرفة الثانية على حمام خاص بدش. تحتوي كل من الحمامات على شامبو جلي يوفر الراحة الإضافية.

إذا كنتم تصلون بسيارتكم، فبمجرد وصولكم تدخلون مباشرةً إلى المرآب في مكانكم الخاص المغلق. من المرآب، تصعدون بالسلم إلى الطابق الثاني حيث تقع الشقة. عند الوصول، سنستقبلكم، ونرحب بكم، ونتمنى لكم الترحيب، ونساعدكم في حمل أمتعتكم حتى تشعروا بجمال الاستراحة من البداية.

احجزوا إقامتكم في شقتنا الفاخرة الجديدة تمامًا في سيلفري سبليت واستمتعوا بمزيج مثالي من الرفاهية والراحة والاسترخاء الحقيقي في قلب سبليت!

معلومات عامة

غرفة المعيشة 1 Sofa/Convertible double
Bedroom 2 1 سرير كوين داخلي
Bedroom 3 1 سرير كوين خاص


  • المكان من الداخل: 80 m2
  • المساحة الكلية: 120 m2
  • الحد الأقصى: 6
  • الأسرة: 2
  • أسرة إضافية: 1
  • سرير أطفال: 1
  • كرسي أكل للأطفال: 1
  • الحمامات: 2

المسبح واللياقة البدنية

  • ساونا
  • دش خارجي

حديقة وشرفة

  • سطح مشمس
  • منطقة جلوس


  • موقد يعمل بالحث المغناطيسي
  • Spices
  • Delonghi espresso machine
  • مروحية الخضار
  • محمصة الوفل
  • عصارة برتقال كهربائية
  • خلاط العصا
  • أدوات المطبخ
  • السكاكين / الأطباق / الكؤوس
  • فرن
  • موقد
  • الميكروويف
  • غسالة صحون
  • صانع الثلج
  • الخلاط
  • غلاية
  • خلاط
  • محمصة

غرفة المعيشة

  • سرير أريكة
  • تلفزيون ال سي دي

معدات تقنية

  • مجفف غسالة
  • تلفزيون ذكي
  • مكيف هواء
  • مجفف شعر
  • معدات الكي
  • تلفزيون "سات"
  • تدفئة تحت البلاط
  • مكنسة كهربائية

معدات إضافية

  • خزنة

رسوم إضافية:

  • Pet 20€ per day ( upon request )

خدمة إضافية عند الطلب (تكلفة إضافية)

  • نقل خاص بالقارب السريع
  • نقل سيارات الأجرة الخاصة
  • استئجار قارب
  • استئجار سيارة
  • نقل فاخر
  • التنقل المحلي - نظير تكلفة إضافية
  • رحلات شخصية - نظير تكلفة إضافية
  • استأجر مرشدًا

معلومات إضافية

  • يُسمح فقط بالحيوانات الأليفة الصغيرة


Pauline Koh
Tanja was a helpful and proactive host. The small details in the house made an enjoyable stay for me. Thank you for hosting! I had a good time!
Rohit Chitkara
The host was really helpful and responsive, meeting us at the apartment to show us around and even provided us with some food which was really sweet. The apartment is really great, very spacious and nicely decorated. The kitchen is incredibly well equipped, much better than most Airbnb's, which is perfect if you're there for a long stay like we were. The bathrooms are clean and the water is hot. Whilst the shower is good I wouldn't say it's super strong. The sauna and the hot tub are a fantastic addition too. location is decent, just 15 minutes walk to old town and there is a big supermarket nearby. Definitely recommend this place for a stay in Split.
Spencer Machacek
Lethbridge, Kanada
We loved our stay at this Airbnb! The host was extremely helpful and arranged airport pick up for us. We were welcomed by them helping us with our bags and had a charcuterie board and desserts waiting upon arrival. The house was extremely clean and well decorated. Everything plus more is provided. We stayed here with our kids and they especially loved the hot tub on the deck. Old town is walkable from this apartment. We would definitely recommend it!
Fabien Mathern
Bel appartement avec tout l équipement nécessaire pour une famille. proche du centre de split, c est une belle adresse à retenir. les hôtes sont adorables et nous avons passé un excellent séjour!
Patti Egbert
Tanya was wonderful, helped carry luggage and some treats and drinks for us, gave recommendations she was so helpful.
Patti Egbert
Very nice well appointed apartment. Tanya was great, we really enjoyed our stay
Jeremy Runge
BEYOND! You might find yourself wondering just a little as you pull up to the building but know that you are in a great, safe location and about to be living in a little piece of heaven. This place is better than the pictures. Hot tub with an espresso…sauna…adventure…more hot tub…beer on the terrace. We were so happy. Can’t wait to be back.
Jeroen Fennema
Great apartment to spend a trip with friends. Close to the center and good amenities.
Vicky Miles
We stayed three nights in the apartment. Tanja was a brilliant host, meeting us at check in and check out despite our late/early flight times. The apartment is a short ten minute walk into the centre of Split and was perfect for us as two couples, as was spacious with two bathrooms and excellent facilities. The hot tub was so lovely to enjoy after a day exploring the city and Tanja gave us some great tips for our short stay there. It is a lovely apartment and would recommend. The areas others noted such as stairs up to the apartment and it being a 10 min walk into the centre were both things we knew at time of booking as stated on the description/in reviews and were no problem for us.
We stayed here with our friend group for four nights. It was a very spacious apartment with everything you need and more! Shoutout to our host Tanja who was always available for questions and recommendations. The property is a short walk to the historical centre but also has plenty of amenities nearby, such as restaurants, a grocery store, a bakery and ATMs.
Een prachtig verblijf. Alles was nieuw, brandschoon en ruim! Er is overal aan gedacht. Dikke plus: jacuzzi op het dakterras en een sauna. Het appartement is op loopafstand van het centrum. De host Tanja is heel aardig, altijd bereikbaar en heeft ons leuke tips gegeven. Echt een aanrader als je een luxe appartement wil huren in Split.
Salmaa Samsudeen
Tanja was an incredible host. She took us through all the amenities within the apartment and gave us tons of recommendations. She also let us carry out a late checkout which was great because there were thunderstorms that day. I'd also recommend Laf restaurant which is a min walk from the apartment. The staff are super friendly and kind. Plus the food is delicious. Old Town and beach is only like a 15 min walk away. Great location!
This was by far the best airbnb I have ever had the pleasure to stay at. The host Tanja is amazing! she greeted us upon arrival with a charcuterie board, bread and water after our travels to split, offered to help with luggage and even coordinated our taxi for a cheaper price back to the airport. The apartment was beautiful, everything was new, and decorated to perfection. The sauna and jacuzzi were a great addition to staying here. It is also perfectly located to be able to walk to old town or catch an Uber wherever else you need to go. I highly recommended staying here!
The apartment was as beautiful and comfortable as the pictures and description. Our host Tanya was excellent. She welcomed us to the apartment and showed us around. She left a lovely charcuterie plate and some other treats. She also provided good recommendations for restaurants. Thank you for being so welcoming and responsive. I would highly recommend this apartment.
Dilip Dave
Excellent apartment which was spotless. Kitchen was very well designed with very good quality equipment. Bathrooms very very good. Sauna and jacuzzi were good too. Walking distance to the marina and old town. Tanja was excellent in helping us settle down and was always responding to our requests. She certainly made the difference between ok stay and a very enjoyable and comfortable stay. A welcome pack of goodies provided was very good.
Amazing stay! The place was super nice, clean and spacious. Lovely balcony with hot tub and loungers/sofas. Would recommend this place 100%
Absolutely beautiful apartment that definitely lives up to its images The host went above & beyond to make us feel welcome The apartment is slightly further out from the centre & uphill so if you have heavy luggage or aren’t super fit it would be worth getting a taxi Would definitely recommend this stay to anyone & would stay again without a shadow of a doubt
Fantastic, luxurious accommodation! Excellent host, very responsive and helpful throughout. Would highly recommend.
Tanja was an excellent host, really welcoming and always available for advice. She told us loads of restaurants and beaches that helped us find our way around. The apartment is beautiful; air con was amazing, hot tub was great, everything was nice and clean. Would definitely stay again if I was to return to split!
Excelente lugar, todo estaba impecable, 100% recomendable Muchas gracias por todo, nos sentimos como en casa!
Tijana Novakovic
Tanja has everything anyone would ever need at this apartment. It is genuinely like being at an incredibly set up luxury hotel! The location was awesome, there’s a grocery store right down the road as well as a fruit and veg store that sells fresh bread for 1.50€! It’s also only a 10 minute walk from the centre of split where all the markets and sightseeing are. It was so clean that I instantly felt so comfortable to just enjoy and relax, and not to mention that Tanja was also incredibly helpful to us in every way.
Andreas Holmberg
Very nice apartment with Tanja as an very good host. Clean, modern and a filled up refrigerator with snacks, beer, coffee etc. Perfect for the family or a group of friends.
Amazing apartment in a fantastic location only a 10 minute walk from the seafront. Tanya was really welcoming and a great host. Highly recommend the hot tub!
Grace Sheerin
We had a beautiful stay in this apartment. The apartment was spotless on arrival and looked exactly like the photos. The host was lovely and had left snacks for us on top of the amazing facilities provided. One of our favourite stays we have stayed in. Would highly recommend.
We had such a great time at this Airbnb! Everything about it was perfect. The jacuzzi and sauna were amazing—so nice to relax in after a day out. It felt like having our own private spa. The kitchen was fully stocked with all the modern appliances and utensils we needed. Cooking there was a breeze, and we loved the little touches like having spices available. The bathroom was super modern and spacious, with an awesome shower. Everything was so clean and well-maintained. The place itself was beautifully decorated, cozy. We felt right at home the entire time. The host was so responsive, welcoming and helpful! Overall, this Airbnb had everything we needed for a fantastic stay. We can’t recommend it enough and would definitely come back. Five stars!
The agent meet with us upon arrival and explained all to us, responded very quickly to our messages before and during the stay, lovely lady, and helped us for an easy stay
I had a great stay at this apartment. Tanja was a great host who helped us get all of our things into the apartment and showing us all the facilities. Everything was clean and of very high quality. Would highly recommend.
Sidd Bailhache
Had an amazing stay at their apartment. The place was even better than in the photos: both spotless and modern. Hosts were very friendly, responsive and offered plenty of recommendations. Would definitely stay here again if we returned to Split. Thank you for the stay
Jeremy Whicker
We had an absolutely wonderful stay here. The place was exactly as described with a fantastic sauna and hot tub. Our kids loved both the tub and the sauna. The place is newly renovated and of great quality. Host met us, and upon arrival we had water which was very much needed a charcuterie plate and some local artisan bread ready for us which really hit the spot. The two rooms have blackout curtains, which makes it very nice for sleeping. Absolutely stunning place. super close to downtown split so you can walk down and find lots of restaurants and things to do. The parking garage is a must have if you have your own car. Very secure and safe. But the best part might have been the homemade deserts the host had for us on arrival. A walnut cake that was super delicious. Loved everything about this location in Split.
Jeele Marie Grotkopp
We had a wonderful time in the apartment. It is very modern and comfortably furnished. The terrace in particular was a real highlight! Tanja was super nice and helpful and gave us a great time. All in all, a clear recommendation!
Brilliant appartment with even better facilities. Looks exactly like the photos. The host was extremely helpful and very welcoming. Great location walkable to old town, would recommend to everybody.
First of all Tanja the host was absolutely fantastic in helping us set our car into the underground garage, comfortably. It was only a little walk with the cases up a few stairs and we were absolutely blown away once the apartment door was open. Such a great job done with the whole place - everything was thought about. It was totally brand new, the kitchen was built just like we would have done for ourselves. There was even an ice making machine - a great thing to have for the terrace cocktails. We loved the effort put into lighting, beds, bathrooms and especially the kitchen since it even had all brand new appliances and stuff you'd ever need. There is also a small grocery store under the building where you can get both food and alcohol. We have travelled a lot in rental apartments and it's hard to find such a place.
Bolu Alaba
My friends and I recently had the greatest pleasure of staying at this apartment, and it was truly a fantastic and unreal experience. The cleanliness of the place was impeccable, and the modern decor added a touch of elegance to the space. The jacuzzi and sauna making for the perfect end to our busy days walking around exploring. The amenities provided were top-notch, making our stay comfortable and convenient. As well as the complimentary food and beers 😝👌The location was perfect, with easy access to nearby attractions as well as a lovely beach with a wide variety of restaurants on the harbour. The host was also extremely very friendly, very responsive and accommodating which added a personal touch to my stay and made us all feel right at home and comfortable. I very much highly recommend this apartment to anyone looking for a wonderful place to stay in Split!!
Michelle Schorn
We had an exceptional stay at this incredible apartment! This newly renovated apartment is impeccably furnished with everything you could need. The sauna was wonderful and heated up very fast. The jacuzzi was so nice to unwind in after a day of sightseeing. The kitchen included everything we needed and more! Tanja was such a nice host, providing everything we needed for a relaxing stay. She provided a baby bed and high chair, which was perfect for our little one. The old town is just a short walk away, so the location is ideal. We highly recommend this wonderful apartment!
Mél Pradel
Nous avons passé un excellent séjour à l’appartement de Tanja. Tout était très propre et bien agencé, conforme aux photos. L’accueil de Tanja a été impeccable. Nous recommandons cet appartement les yeux fermés . Bien sûr, nous reviendrons .
Beautiful apartment. 5 of my friends stayed there and there was plenty of space, could have fit 6 people easily. Very comfortable and the patio is incredible. Sauna was one of the best I have ever been in. Big living room, kitchen island is very convenient, beds and showers were nice, everything was perfect!
Diese Unterkunft ist sehr neu und entspricht in allen Punkten der Beschreibung. Wir wurden sehr freundlich empfangen und konnten unseren Urlaub genießen. Es war sehr sauber und die Kommunikation vor Ort war einfach. Absolute Empfehlung. Gerne wieder!
Great apartment! We were received in a wonderful way by Karlo and Tanja. Wine and snacks were ready. They were very helpful and friendly and available for everything. The apartment is completely new and fully equipped. Great roof terrace with private jacuzzi and sauna. The center of Split is a 10-minute walk and next to the apartment there is a bakery, supermarket and a greengrocer. We had a very nice holiday. Recommended for everyone.
Mr Serdar
Echt een heerlijk appartement van alle gemakken voorzien, op loopafstand van het oude centrum. Alles brandschoon en nieuw, zeer hoogwaardig afgewerkt ook. Hele fijne service!



  • مطار: 23 كم
  • بنك: 800 م
  • صراف آلي ATM : 450 م
  • شاطئ: 1.6 كم
  • موقف حافلة: 450 م
  • بار كافيه: 400 م
  • وسط المدينة: 700 م
  • طبيب أسنان: 1.5 كم
  • طبيب: 1.7 كم
  • العبارة: 2 كم
  • المرسى: 3.7 كم
  • صيدلية: 600 م
  • مطاعم: 80 م
  • محلات: 400 م
  • ملعب تنس: 2.4 كم
  • بحر: 1 كم
  • كاتاماران: 2 كم
  • الجولف: 8 كم
  • محطة وقود: 1.5 كم


الفترة ثمن الليلة الواحدة السعر الأسبوعي الحد الأدنى التغيير
01.01. - 31.03. 2025. €140 €980 4 اي يوم
01.04. - 30.04. 2025. €220 €1,540 4 اي يوم
01.05. - 03.05. 2025. €290 €2,030 4 اي يوم
04.05. - 05.05. 2025. €290 €2,030 2 اي يوم
06.05. - 31.05. 2025. €290 €2,030 4 اي يوم
01.06. - 30.06. 2025. €350 €2,450 4 اي يوم
01.07. - 06.07. 2025. €420 €2,940 4 اي يوم
07.07. - 09.07. 2025. €420 €2,940 3 اي يوم
10.07. - 10.07. 2025. €420 €2,940 4 اي يوم
11.07. - 13.07. 2025. €700 €4,900 4 اي يوم
14.07. - 31.07. 2025. €420 €2,940 4 اي يوم
01.08. - 31.08. 2025. €420 €2,940 4 اي يوم
01.09. - 30.09. 2025. €350 €2,450 4 اي يوم
01.10. - 31.10. 2025. €250 €1,750 4 اي يوم
01.11. - 31.03. 2026. €180 €1,260 4 اي يوم
01.04. - 01.05. 2026. €250 €1,750 4 اي يوم

يشمل السعر

  • First aid kit
  • رف تجفيف الملابس
  • مناشف
  • سرير أطفال وكرسي مرتفع
  • معدات الكي
  • مكان وقوف السيارات في المرآب
  • واي فاي إنترنت فائق السرعة
  • باقة الترحيب
  • مجموعة من أغطية السرير والمناشف


  • إيداع في حال حدوث ضرر €150 يتم دفعها عند الوصول واستردادها عند المغادرة
  • طلب / تسجيل 15:00 h
  • المغادرة 10:00 h

الية الدفع

  • طرق الدفع: بطاقة ائتمان ، تحويل بنكي, Crypto
  • مُقدَّم: 30%
  • تسديد المتبقي: 30 أيام قبل الوصول